Fourier transform spectrometry has played an important role in the three-dimensional greenhouse gas monitoring as the focus of attention on global warming in the past few years. In this paper, a ground-based low-resolution remote sensing system measuring the total columns of CO2 and CH4 is developed, which tracks the sun automatically and records the spectra in real-time and has the advantages of portability and low cost. A spectral inversion algorithm based on nonlinear least squares spectral fitting procedure for determining the column concentrations of these species is described. Atmospheric transmittance spectra are computed line-by-line in the forward model and observed on-line by direct solar radiation. Also, the wavelength shifts are introduced and the influence of spectral resolution is discussed. Based on this system and algorithm, the vertical columns of O2, CO2, and CH4 are calculated from total atmospheric observation transmittance spectra in Hefei, and the results show that the column averaged dry-air mole fractions of CO2 and CH4 are measured with accuracies of 3.7% and 5%, respectively. Finally, the H2O columns are compared with the results observed by solar radiometer at the same site and the calculated correlation coefficient is 0.92, which proves that this system is suitable for field campaigns and used to monitor the local greenhouse gas sources under the condition of higher accuracy, indirectly.
针对全球变暖贡献最大的两种温室气体CO2和CH4,采用自行研制的地基傅里叶变换近红外光谱遥测系统连续观测了合肥地区2012年2月到2013年4月的直射太阳光光谱,进而获得整层大气透过率测量光谱。在前向模型中采用逐线积分、低阶多项式近似方法得到整层大气透过率模拟光谱。利用模拟透过率光谱在CO2的6150~6270 cm -1波段、CH4的5970~6170 cm-1波段对测量透过率光谱进行迭代拟合,获得气体柱浓度。以O2柱浓度为内标函数获得CO2和CH4的干柱体积混合比。CO2和CH4干柱体积混合比日均值都具有较大波动性和明显的季节周期性,它们的月均值整体上具有较强的一致性,但是变化特征不尽相同。与日本温室气体卫星瓦里关地区的报道结果相比,C O 2含量峰谷值对应的时间相对滞后,并且峰值到谷值的转变时间较长;与利用SCIAMACHY 资料分析的全国范围内CH4柱浓度平均值变化趋势相比, C H4含量表现出夏高冬低的单峰单谷型变化趋势。它们的变化特征与源和汇的平衡、气象和气候条件等复杂因素有关,还需长期观测和深入研究。