This paper presents a case study on an ultra-deep diaphragm wall with a depth of 110 m constructed in Ningbo City. The in-situ application shows that using Bauer BC40 cutter machine in conjunction with cutter wheels specified for different strata would be qualified for constructing the 110 m diaphragm wall with high efficiency and precision given that the quality of slurry and poured concrete can be guaranteed. The ground settlement can be effectively controlled by using the overlapping construction method. Sliding failure as a whole characterized by pronounced lateral deformation is likely to occur in the upper muddy clay layer due to its high compressibility and sensitivity. In contrast, local collapse of trench walls tends to happen in the sandy silt strata. Furthermore, careful attention should be paid to sandy silt during the entire construction period as the vertical displacement of the sandy silt continues to develop even atter concrete pouring.
In the context of a room-and-pillar mining gob in Shanxi province in China,this paper numerically investigates the stress distribution and deformation rules of roadway surrounding rocks at various locations of residual coal pillars in room-and-pillar mining gobs using software FLAC3 D.It is found that the concentrated stress beneath coal pillars distributes in a shape of ellipse.A reasonable roadway layout is then proposed.In this design,it is indicated that roadways should be designed to avoid the supporting zones of pillars with increasing compression and take into account the roof falling and crushing in the upper gob.According to the surrounding rock deformation characteristics and mining roadway locations as well as the supporting principles of timely support,rock reinforcing,piecewise management and suiting local conditions,a new asymmetric shield supporting plan is proposed.The field surveying results show that this supporting plan can effectively control the roadway rock deformation,thus guarantee the safe and smooth construction of roadways.
Based on experimental restilts of brittle, intact sandstone under uniaxial compression, the micro-parameters were firstly confirmed by adopting particle flow code (PFC2D). Then, the validation of the simulated models were cross checked with the experimental results of brittle sandstone containing three parallel fissures under uniaxial compression. The simulated results agreed very well with the experimental results, including the peak strength, peak axial strain, and ultimate failure mode. Using the same micro- parameters, the numerical models containing a new geometry of three fissures are constructed to investigate the fissure angle on the fracture mechanical behavior of brittle sandstone under uniaxial compression. The strength and deformation parameters of brittle sandstone containing new three fissures are dependent to the fissure angle. With the increase of the fis- sure angle, the elastic modulus, the crack damage threshold, and the peak strength of brittle sandstone containing three fissures firstly increase and secondly decrease. But the peak axial strain is nonlinearly related to the fissure angle. In the entire process of deformation, the crack initiation and propagation behavior of brittle sandstone containing three fissures under uniaxial compression are investigated with respect to the fissure angle. Six different crack coalescence modes are identified for brittle sandstone containing three fissures under uniaxial compression. The influence of the fissure angle on the length of crack propagation and crack coalescence stress is evaluated. These investigated conclusions are very important for ensuring the stability and safety of rock engineering with intermittent structures.
Sheng-Qi YangYan-Hua HuangP.G.RanjithYu-Yong JiaoJian Ji