以内蒙古科尔沁地区牛场布病疫情流行性病学检测资料为基础,重点进行布病的流行病学调查,了解布病流行情况。本研究采用虎红平板凝集试验(RBT)、试管凝集试验(SAT)、全乳环状试验(MRT)、补体结合试验(CFT)、竞争酶联免疫吸附试验(c ELISA)、奶液间接酶联免疫吸附试验(i ELISA)方法进行筛选和确诊。结果表明,2009年共采集1360份牛血清,其中阳性血清57份,感染率为4.19%;2010年采集2175份牛血清,感染布病的牛共有129头,发病率为5.10%;2011年采集2340份牛血清,发病率为7.78%。2010年在通辽市牛布鲁氏菌病流行病学调查时共采集奶样1931份,经MRT和OIE i ELISA检测阳性率为24.39%。屠宰场牛布病总体阳性率为7.34%,而散户牛布病的总体阳性率为12.84%。通辽地区奶牛布病感染率呈现出明显的群间和区域间不均衡性。屠宰场由于检疫制度严格,阳性率明显低于散户。
为了探讨牛布鲁氏菌544A株感染巨噬细胞的c DNA文库中筛选与Omp22相互作用的蛋白,对布鲁氏菌的致病机理进行研究。将布鲁氏菌细胞膜可分为3组:第1组为94 k Da的外膜蛋白,第2组为41-43 k Da外膜蛋白,第3组为22-31 k Da的外膜蛋白。第1组外膜蛋白只是外膜蛋白的一小部分;第2组外膜蛋白是布鲁氏菌细胞外膜孔道蛋白;第3组外膜蛋白是由两种相关的22 k Da蛋白和31 k Da蛋白组成,31 k Da蛋白已经被证实了是一类细胞外膜孔道蛋白,而22 k Da蛋白(Omp22)的功能还不是很清楚。酵母双杂交技术是一种常用的而且有效地研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用的方法,已经广泛的应用到蛋白研究领域。本实验采用Cyto Tra P酵母双杂交系统,以Omp22为诱饵,从牛布鲁氏菌544A株感染巨噬细胞的c DNA文库中筛选与Omp22相互作用的蛋白,对布鲁氏菌的致病机理进行阐述,探索Omp22在布鲁氏菌致病中的作用。
[ Objective ] This study aimed to clone and express formyltransferase (Wbkc) gene from Brucella abortus in E. coli, purify the expressed protein and analyze its immunogenicity. [Method] A gene encoding 27 -35 ku formyltransferase (Wbkc) was amplified from the genomic DNA of BruceUa abortus by PCR. The amplified fragments were digested with BamH I and Sal I, and inserted into pET28a vector. The constructed recombinant plasmid pET 28a-Wbkc was trans- formed into E. coli BL21 and was induced to express the fusion protein. Subsequently, the protein was purified by histidine-binding resin column chromatography, and the immunogenicity was detected by Western blot assay. The recombinant plasmid was identified by colony PCR, double digestion and sequencing analysis. [ Result] Wbkc was successfully cloned and expressed in E. coli. A specific protein band of 29 ku was detected by SDS-PAGE. Western blot showed specific im- munoreactivity of the purified fusion protein. [ Conclusion] This study provided a solid foundation for further investigating diagnostic proteins for brucellosis and developing Brucella gene-deletion vaccines.