对复合材料吸能结构盒段进行了耐撞性(crashworthiness)试验研究,得到吸能所关心的载荷-位移曲线,并获得相应的平均载荷、峰值载荷以及吸收总能量相关吸能参数.考虑复合材料的各向异性本构关系,对有限元软件进行了二次开发.考虑含刚度退化的Hashin失效准则对结构组件进行渐进失效数值分析讨论.基于扩展的失效准则,设置相应的渐进削弱式的薄弱环节,模拟得到了吸能评价参数平均载荷值,数值计算得到的平均载荷值为361.10 k N.并与试验结果进行了比较,其相对误差不超过7%,计算结果与试验结果取得较好一致性,表明这种方法模拟分析结构组件抗坠毁是有效可行的.
The fabrication technique of micro/nano-scale speckle patterns with focused ion beam (FIB) system is studied for digital image correlation (DIC) measurement under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).The speckle patterns are fabricated by directly etching the counterpart of the specimen to the black part of a template.Mean intensity gradient is used to evaluate the quality of these SEM images of speckle patterns fabricated based on different templates to select an optimum template.The pattern size depending on the displacement measurement sensitivity is adjusted by altering the magnification of FIB according to the relation curve of the etching size versus magnification.The influencing factors including etching time and ion beam current are discussed.Rigid body translation tests and rotation tests are carried out under SEM to verify the reliability of the fabricated speckle patterns.The calculated values are in good agreement with the imposed ones.
LI YanJieXIE HuiMinLUO QiangGU ChangZhiHU ZhenXingCHEN PengWanZHANG QingMing
The buckling behavior of a typical structure consisting of a micro constantan wire and a polymer membrane under coupled electrical-mechanical loading was studied. The phenomenon that the constantan wire delaminates from the polymer membrane was observed after unloading. The interfacial toughness of the constantan wire and the polymer membrane was estimated. Moreover, several new instability modes of the constantan wire could be further triggered based on the buckle-driven delamination. After electrical loading and tensile loading, the constantan wire was likely to fracture based on buckling. After electrical loading and compressive loading, the constantan wire was easily folded at the top of the buckling region. On the occasion, the constantan wire buckled towards the inside of the polymer membrane under electrical-compressive loading. The mechanisms of these instability modes were analyzed.
基于细观力学有限元方法对T300/5208,P75/934,P75/CE339,C6000/PMR15,HMS/Borosilicate,P100/2024 Al六种复合材料的纵向和横向热膨胀系数进行了预报,并将预报结果与国内外常用的几种理论方法的预报结果以及试验值进行了对比,分析了各分析方法的预报精度.各分析方法对于复合材料的纵向热膨胀系数的预报结果与试验值均能很好吻合;对于横向热膨胀系数,各分析方法的预报结果相差较大.Rosen and Hashin(RH)方法与所建立的细观力学有限元分析模型的预报结果与试验值的吻合程度比其他理论方法要高,进而验证了细观力学有限元方法的可靠性.此外,基于细观力学有限元方法建立了各种材料体系热膨胀系数对纤维体积分数的响应关系,得出复合材料纤维/基体性能比对其热膨胀系数的影响,为航空航天结构先进复合材料的应用提供了技术基础支撑.