It's well known that the mobile stations will comprise a wide range of radio access technologies(RAT), providing user with flexible and efficient access to multi-media service and high data rate communications. Although much work has been done for coexistence analysis between different systems base stations(BS), most of them have not addressed the interference within multi-mode terminal. Hence, for filling the gap, The authors in the article present coexistence studyies of digital cellular system at 1 800 MHz(DCS1800) and time division duplex long term evolution(TDD-LTE) network in multi-mode terminal with multi-service provisioning. A new system model for coexistence was introduced and how deterministic analysis can be done within the terminal was explained. The interference evaluation model was given based on relations between reference sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio(SNR), which is also deduced. The system simulation methodology was provided and assumption used in simulation was given. Simulation results were shown with different system parameters. Numeric results indicate that multi-mode terminal is mainly affected by local interference. The minimum antenna isolation required for a health system operation was provided.
提出了一种时变衰落信道下的自适应调制识别算法,设计出一种新的动态状态空间模型,来刻画信号调制方式与时变信道增益的时变特性,并引入一阶有限状态马尔可夫(finite state Markov channel,FSMC)模型来描述衰落信道;基于上述,新算法采用贝叶斯序贯推理法,充分发掘利用了其中所隐含的信道动态相关特性,实现对调制方式和时变信道增益的联合估计。仿真结果表明,新算法性能相比于传统ALRT算法有极大提升,且增加采样点数或者降低多普勒频移值都会使算法性能得到改善。