伴随车辆是公安刑侦部门对海量车辆通行信息检索的一类实战需求,目的是通过模糊条件查询得到潜在的结伴作案车辆,究其本质,可将此类查询转化为数据挖掘中关联规则挖掘问题。通过对公路车辆智能监测记录系统采集的过车数据进行分析,将伴随车辆查询转化为关联规则挖掘,利用数据挖掘技术对过车数据查询问题进行综合分析,实现高效率的伴随车辆查询算法AVD(Accompany Vehicles D iscovery)。算法分析表明,AVD不但能提供准确的伴随车辆查询结果,而且效率高、扩展性强,具有较高的可行性。
Due to the fact that the fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE) for noise removal can provide a good trade-off between noise removal and edge preservation and avoid blocky effects often caused by the second-order PDE, a domain-based fourth-order PDE method for noise removal is proposed. First, the proposed method segments the image domain into two domains, a speckle domain and a non-speckle domain, based on the statistical properties of isolated speckles in the Laplacian domain. Then, depending on the domain type, different conductance coefficients in the proposed fourth-order PDE are adopted. Moreover, the frequency approach is used to determine the optimum iteration stopping time. Compared with the existing fourth-order PDEs, the proposed fourth-order PDE can remove isolated speckles and keeps the edges from being blurred. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
A novel reconstruction method to improve the recognition of license plate texts of moving vehicles in real traffic videos is proposed, which fuses complimentary information among low resolution (LR) images to yield a high resolution (HR) image. Based on the regularization super-resolution (SR) reconstruction schemes, this paper first introduces a residual gradient (RG) term as a new regularization term to improve the quality of the reconstructed image. Moreover, L1 norm is used to measure the residual data (RD) term and the RG term in order to improve the robustness of the proposed method. Finally, the steepest descent method is exploited to solve the energy functional. Simulated and real acquired video sequence experiments show the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method and demonstrate its superiority over the bi-cubic interpolation and discontinuity adaptive Markov random field (DAMRF) SR method in both signal to noise ratios (SNR) and visual effects.