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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
The Flow Processes of Carbon Fixation Value of Typical Ecosystems
Based on data from ChinaFLUX this study analyzed the daily value flow processes of carbon fixation, monthly value distribution, and daily accumulative processes in a year of two kinds of typical forest, two kinds of grasses and a farmland. The results showed that the annual value of carbon fixation of these ecosystems was different, and flow processes and cumulative processes followed different trends over a year. The sequence of the five kinds of ecosystems based on the annual value of carbon fixation from largest to smallest was Yucheng warm temperate agriculture ecosystem (Yucheng), Qianyanzhou subtropical artificial coniferous forest ecosystem (Qianyanzhou), Changbai Mountain temperate mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest ecosystem (Changbaishan), Haibei alpine meadow ecosystem (Haibei)and Dangxiong alpine meadow ecosystem (Dangxiong). Variability in the daily and monthly carbon fixation at Qianyanzhou was the smallest, followed by Changbaishan, Yucheng, Dangxiong and Haibei. The cumulative processes of daily carbon fixation for the five kinds of ecosystems were well fitted to cubic curves.
Evaluation of Ecosystem Services Provided by 10 Typical Rice Paddies in China被引量:8
Based on reference review, this study investigated ecosystem services supported by 10 typical rice paddies in six rice planting regions of China. The services were primary production, gas regulation, nitrogen transformation, soil organic matter accumulation, and water regulation and flood control. The results indicated that grain production of the 10 rice paddies was between 4.71 and 12.18 t ha^-1 y^-1; straw production was 4.65 to 9.79 t ha^-1 y^-1; gas regulation was calculated to emit O2 ranging from 8.27 to 19.69 t ha^-1 y^-1 and to assimilate greenhouse gases ranging from -2.13 to 19.24 t ha^-1 y^-1 (in CO2 equivalent); nitrogen transformation was estimated as nitrogen input ranging from 209.70 to 513.93 kg N ha^-1 y^-1 and nitrogen output of 112.87 to 332.69 kg N ha^-1 y^-1; soil organic matter accumulation was calculated to be between 0.69 and 4.88 t C ha^-1 y^-1; water regulation was estimated to consume water resources of 19875 m3 ha^-1 y^-1 and to support water resources of 6430 m3 ha^-1 y^-1; and flood control of several of the rice paddies was calculated to be 1500 m3 ha^-1 y^-1. The integrated economic value of ecosystem services of these rice paddies was estimated at USD 8605–21 405 ha^-1 y^-1, of which 74%–89% of the value can be ascribed to ecosystem services outside primary production. The results also indicated that the integrated economic value of the ecosystem services of the 10 rice paddies was higher when nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the range of 275 to 297 kg N ha^-1. Until now, the economic value of the rice paddy ecosystem has been underestimated as only the economic value of grain and straw production was previously calculated. As more and more forest land and grassland is lost to urban and industrial use, cropland and especially rice paddies, will become more ecologically important to society. The economic value of ecosystem services supplied by rice paddies, outside primary production, are worthy of increased research attention.
准确评估区域森林生态系统的固碳能力和趋势,系统分析不同森林类型的固碳能力时空异质性,对于实现森林可持续经营和固碳增汇具有重要意义。以山东省第八次森林资源清查数据为基础,结合不同树种的基本木材密度、生物量扩展因子、地下生物量/地上生物量比值及其含碳率,研究了山东省乔木林乔木层碳储量、碳密度及其按优势树种、龄组和林种的分布特征。结果表明:山东省乔木林乔木层碳储量为3 404.46万t,其中阔叶林的碳储量占82.52%。山东乔木林乔木层平均碳密度为21.09t/hm2,低于全国平均水平。山东省乔木林以幼龄林和中龄林为主,其碳储量分别占全省乔木林乔木层碳储量的49.04%和24.77%。按林种划分,用材林的碳储量最大,约占全省乔木林乔木层碳储量的58.08%;而特种用途林的碳密度最大,为23.74t/hm2,分别为防护林和用材林乔木层碳密度的1.30倍和1.29倍。山东省森林碳储量以人工林为主,约占97.36%。本研究可为中国区域尺度的森林生态系统碳汇功能评估提供参考数据。
在城市化带来的环境问题中,噪声已成为影响城市居民身心健康的主要因素之一,而配置合理的绿地对噪声具有明显的降低作用。论文从绿地消减噪声的机理出发,基于实验测定结果,结合绿地斑块调查数据,对北京市城区道路绿地降噪效果及其价值进行了研究。结果如下:①不同组成结构的道路绿地降噪能力不同,其中乔灌草结构道路绿地降噪能力最强,其次为乔木类和灌木类,草坪类最差,各类型绿地降噪能力均随宽度的增加而增加;②北京市城区道路绿地年降噪9.35×107dB(A).a-1,其中乔灌草结构绿地占92.95%,单位面积道路绿地平均降噪20 477 dB(A).hm-2.a-1,其中乔灌草结构绿地最高,为23 505 dB(A).hm-2.a-1,分别是乔木类的2.92倍,灌木类的17.92倍,草坪类的18.64倍;③北京市城区道路绿地消减噪声的年价值为7.13×108元.a-1,单位面积道路绿地降噪价值为156 033元.hm-2.a-1。研究表明,北京市城区道路绿地结构搭配较为合理,在消减噪声方面发挥了重要作用,具有可观的生态效益。
利用山东省第7次森林资源清查数据,采用生物量-蓄积量转换函数和平均生物量法,结合不同树种的含碳率,研究山东省森林生态系统立木碳储量、碳密度及其按优势树种、龄组和林种的分布特征.结果表明:2007年山东省森林立木碳储量为25.27 Tg,其中,针叶林、针阔混交林和阔叶林的立木碳储量分别占全省立木碳储量的8.6%、2.0%和89.4%.不同林龄组的立木碳储量大小顺序为幼龄林>中龄林>成熟林>近熟林>过熟林,其中幼龄林和中龄林占全省立木总碳储量的69.3%.用材林、经济林和防护林的立木碳储量分别占全省立木碳储量的37.1%、36.3%和24.8%.山东省森林平均立木碳密度为10.59 t·hm-2,低于全国平均水平,主要是由于现有森林用材林和经济林比重高,中幼林多、成过熟林少.
Carbon Sequestration in Forest Vegetation of Beijing at Sublot Level被引量:1
Based on forest inventory data (FID) at sublot level,we estimated the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation of Beijing,China in 2009.In this study,the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation at sublot level was calculated based on net biomass production (ΔB) which was estimated with biomass of each sublot and function relationships between ΔB and biomass.The biomass of forested land was calculated with biomass expansion factors (BEFs) method,while those of shrub land and other forest land types were estimated with biomass,coverage and height of referred shrubs and shrub coverage and height of each sublot.As one of special forested land types,the biomass of economic tree land was calculated with biomass per tree and tree number.The variation of carbon sequestration in forest vegetation with altitude,species and stand age was also investigated in this study.The results indicate that the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation in Beijing is 4.12 × 106 tC/yr,with the average rate of 3.94 tC/(ha·yr).About 56.91% of the total carbon sequestration in forest vegetation is supported by the forest in the plain with an altitude of < 60 m and the low mountainous areas with an altitude from 400 m to 800 m.The carbon sequestration rate in forest vegetation is the highest in the plain area with an altitude of < 60 m and decreased significantly in the transitional area from the low plain to the low mountainous area with an altitude ranging from 200 m to 400 m due to intensive human disturbance.The carbon sequestration of Populus spp.forest and Quercus spp.forest are relatively higher than those of other plant species,accounting for 25.33% of the total.The carbon sequestration in vegetation by the forest of < 40 years amounts to 45.38% of the total.The carbon sequestration rate in forest vegetation peaks at the stand age of 30–40 years.Therefore,it would be crucial for enhancing the capability of carbon sequestration in forest vegetation to protect the forest in Beijing,to limit human disturbance in the transitional
XIAO YuAN KaiXIE GaodiLU ChunxiaZHANG Biao
为了掌握西双版纳热带季节雨林和次生林水源涵养服务价值的变化规律,基于西双版纳生态台站的定位观测数据,对比分析了两种林型水源涵养服务的构成及年内价值变化过程。结果表明,两种林型的水源涵养总量接近,分别为74 158m3/hm2和70 654m3/hm2,水调节量为主,占90%以上。热带季节雨林的水供给价值高于水调节价值,热带次生林的水调节价值和水供给价值大致相等,综合分析,热带季节雨林的年水源涵养服务价值(4 531元/hm2)比次生林(2 732元/hm2)高66%。两种林型的水源涵养服务变化过程相似:主要受水供给变化过程的影响,水源涵养服务变化曲线呈单峰态,月变异程度较大;热带季节雨林和次生林在雨季(5-10月)的水源涵养量分别占全年总量的54%和57%,水源涵养价值均占全年总价值的65%左右。
Spatio-temporal Distributions of Tropospheric NO_2 over Oases in Taklimakan Desert, China
Soil biogenic NO emission is one of the most important sources of atmospheric nitrogen oxides(NOx) worldwide. However, the estimation of soil source, especially in arid areas presents large uncertainties because of the substantial lack of measurements. In this study, we selected the Ruoqiang oases on the southeastern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, China as the study area and applied Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI) NO2 retrievals(DOMINO v2.0, 2005–2011) to investigate the spatial distribution and seasonal variations in tropospheric NO2 vertical column density(VCD). High NO2 VCDs were observed over the oases(farmlands and natural vegetation), with the highest value obtained during summer, and lowest during winter. Pulses were observed during spring. We conducted in-situ measurements in June 2011 in Milan oasis and employed ground-based multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy(MAX-DOAS) instruments to validate satellite NO2 retrievals. The findings are as follows: 1) in the study area soil biogenic NO emission is the dominant source of tropospheric NO2; 2) oases(farmlands) are hotspots of tropospheric NO2, and a higher increase in tropospheric NO2 is found in oases from winter to summer; and 3) enhancement of soil biogenic NO emission due to soil managements is predictable. Given the rapid agricultural development in the southern Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, researches on soil biogenic NO emission and increase in tropospheric NOx should be given more importance.
QI Yue
CO_2 Emission of Fossil Fuel Consumption of China's Mainland from 1991 to 2010
In this article, we calculate China's Mainland’s CO2 emission of fossil fuel consumption from 1991 to 2010 following the apparent consumption method recommend by IPCC: (i) the scale of CO2 emissions has increased nearly to 4 times as that in 1991; (ii) coal consumption constitutes the highest proportion due to the richness of coal resources in China; (iii) per capita CO2 emission has increased from 1.98 to 5.57 t CO2 ; (iv) carbon emission intensity declined significantly from 6.66 to 1.07 kg CO2 USD -1 , but recently it tends to be stable; and (v) regional develop gaps remain in China's Mainland, for according to the provincial data, in many developing regions economic increase over-reliance on fossil fuel consumption. China has made the promises and already taken actions to deal with the high carbon emission. Comprehensively considering the sustainability of development and the uncertainties remaining in global climate change, healthier structures of industry, intensive usage of fossil fuel, and a more balanced development pattern among the southern, central and western China should be put more emphasis.