以太湖地区主要稻田土壤类型黄泥土为对象,利用当地富营养化河水对回填土柱和植稻原状土渗漏池进行模拟稻田灌溉试验,系统研究了灌溉水对稻田土壤氮磷营养的贡献。在回填土柱灌溉试验中,在试验初期,不同形态的氮素均有较高的淋失量,以后逐渐降低,表明初期淋失的氮素主要来自土壤,而不是灌溉河水。在整个水稻生长季,均观测到有可溶性有机氮淋失,表明富营养化河水灌溉条件下可溶性有机氮是稻田土壤主要的氮素淋失形态。在本试验中,磷素的淋失动态与氮素的淋失动态截然相反,淹水后很长一段时间内均没有土壤磷素淋失,但在淹水灌溉后期有大量的土壤磷素淋失损失,这可能是淹水后期土壤对磷的吸持已达到饱和状态,不能继续固持土壤中多余的磷所致。与回填土柱模拟灌溉淋洗试验相比,在当前供肥条件下,原状土渗漏池试验氮磷淋失量远低于回填土柱试验,而灌溉水对土壤氮磷养分的贡献远高于回填土柱。通过富营养化河水灌溉带入当季稻田的N量达到每公顷56.3 kg,其中有55.8 kg N可被土壤吸持和作物吸收,表明太湖地区稻田土壤对氮磷养分来说是一个环境友好的生态系统。在利用当地富营养化河水进行稻田土壤灌溉时可适量减少肥料施用量、优化氮磷肥料管理。
[ Objective] The experiment aimed to provide a theoretical base of optimal cultivation management for the high yield and good quality and high efficiency of winter wheat. [ Method] The effects of two sulfur fertilizer application methods on dynamic changes of grain protein content and glutenin content of Yumai 49 and Yumai 66 during wheat grain filling stage were studied under the field conditions. [Result] Both the grain protein and glutenin content of two cultivars were increased by sulfur fertilizer, particularly, the effects on Yumai 49 were more significant.[ Conclusion] The grain content and glutenin content of different wheat cultivars could be increased by taking different sulfur fertilizer application methods.