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作品数:9 被引量:1H指数:1


  • 9篇中文期刊文章


  • 9篇理学
  • 1篇生物学
  • 1篇电子电信
  • 1篇电气工程
  • 1篇一般工业技术


  • 2篇NUCLEA...
  • 2篇MESONS
  • 1篇NU
  • 1篇NUCLEO...
  • 1篇PAIR
  • 1篇PROBLE...
  • 1篇QCD
  • 1篇RESONA...
  • 1篇SEARCH
  • 1篇SIDI
  • 1篇STATE
  • 1篇STRANG...
  • 1篇STRUCT...
  • 1篇TWO
  • 1篇AMPLIT...
  • 1篇BES
  • 1篇BOUND
  • 1篇BOUND_...
  • 1篇DELTA
  • 1篇EFFECT


  • 7篇Chines...
  • 2篇原子核物理评...


  • 1篇2011
  • 2篇2010
  • 4篇2009
  • 2篇2008
9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
X(3872) and Bound State Problem of D^0*~0(~0 D*~0)
We have performed a dynamical calculation of the bound state problem of D0D*0 by considering the pion and sigma meson exchange potential. Our preliminary analysis disfavors the molecular interpretation of X(3872) if we use the experimental D*Dπ coupling constant g=0.59 and a reasonable cutoff around 1 GeV,which is the typical hadronic scale. In contrast,there probably exists a loosely bound S-wave BB* molecular state. Such a molecular state would be rather stable since its dominant decay mode is the radiative decay through B*→Bγ.
LIU Yan-rui1,LIU Xiang2,3,DENG Wei-zhen2 (1 Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Low-energy D^(*+)_1~0 scattering and the nature of resonance-like structure Z^+(4430)
Low-energy scattering of D ^*+ and D1^0 meson is studied using quenched lattice QCD with improved lattice actions on anisotropic lattices.The threshold scattering parameters,namely the scattering length a 0 and the effective range r 0,for the s-wave scattering in J P = 0 - channel are extracted: a 0 = 2.52(47) fm and r 0 = 0.7(1) fm.It is argued that,albeit the interaction between the two charmed mesons being attractive,it is unlikely that they can form a shallow bound state in this channel.Our calculation provides some useful information on the nature of the newly discovered resonance-like structure Z + (4430) by the Belle Collaboration.
Left-right asymmetry for meson production in SIDIS process
We analyze the left-right asymmetry in the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) process using a method where no weighting function are used. Considering all flavor of quarks, we reanalyze the π±production and extend our calculation on the K± production. The predictions on HERMES, COMPASS and JLab kinematics with transversely polarized nucleon target are shown in this paper.
Octet baryon masses with two-gluon exchange effect
We report our investigation on the octet baryon spectrum in the nonrelativistic quark model by taking into account the two-gluon exchange effect. The calculated octet baryon masses agree better with the experimental data. It is also shown that the two-gluon exchange interactions bring a significant correction to the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula.
Parton distribution functions and nuclear EMC effect in a statistical model
A new and simple statistical approach is performed to calculate the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the nucleon in terms of light-front kinematic variables.Analytic expressions of x-dependent PDFs are obtained in the whole x region.And thereafter,we treat the temperature T as a parameter of the atomic number A to explain the nuclear EMC effect in the region x ∈ [0.2,0.7].We give the predictions of PDF ratios,and they are very different from those by other models,thus experiments aiming at measuring PDF ratios are suggested to provide a discrimination of different models.
Possible heavy molecular states composed of a pair of excited charm-strange mesons被引量:1
The P-wave charm-strange mesons Ds0(2317) and Ds1(2460) lie below the DK and D*K threshold respectively. They are extremely narrow because their strong decays violate the isospin symmetry. We study the possible heavy molecular states composed of a pair of excited charm strange mesons. As a byproduct, we also present the numerical results for the bottonium-like analogue.
Search for exotic state 1^(-+) π_1(1400) at BESⅢ
The J/ψ hadronic decays provide good laboratory to search for the hybrid states with exotic quantum numbers. A full Partial Wave Analysis (PWA) is performed to the generated Monte Carlo J/ψ→ ρηπ data, based on the design of BESⅢ detector, to study the sensitivity of searching for a possible exotic state at BESⅢ.
Δ contribution to the parity-violating nucleon-nucleon force
Because the nucleon may be excited and transformed into a virtual A resonance easily, we consider the decuplet contribution to the parity-violating (PV) nucleon-nucleon interaction in the chiral effective field theory. The effective PV nucleon-nucleon potential is derived without introducing any unknown coupling constants.
QCD Sum Rule Study of π_1s States
We study the states π1(1600) and π1(2015) in the QCD sum rule. We classify the tetraquark currents of the quantum numbers IGJPC=1-1-+,and find that the flavor structure (3 6 )(6  3 ) is preferred when using a diquark-antidiquark construction. By using both the SVZ and finite energy sum rules,we obtain a mass around 1.6 and 2.0 GeV,for the states with the quark contents qq and qs,respectively. We also study their decay patterns.
A. Hosaka