Crickets, similar to some other insects, have highly sensitive filiform hairs on their cerci that can detect miniscule changes in airflow. This study imitates the perception mechanism of these filiform sensory hairs of crickets by designing and fabricating a Multi-electrode Metal Core Piezoelectric Fiber (MMPF)-based airflow sensor. Four longitudinal conductive sheets were coated symmetrically on their surfaces with Metal-core Piezoceramic Fibers (MPF). The four fan-shaped piezoelectric ceramics with surface electrode covers were polarized. After successful polarization, the cantilevered MMPF could be used as an airflow sensor. The four electrodes on the surface were symmetrically divided into two groups. Therefore, two signals can be produced by a single fiber sensor. The theoretical model of an MMPF airflow sensor has been established. The model indicates that the ratio of the two signals is equivalent to the tangent of the airflow angle. Furthermore, the sum of the squares of the two signals is not dependent on the angle, but reflects the velocity of the airflow. Therefore, a single MMPF can be used to measure both the direction and amplitude for a given airflow. The theoretical model has been confirmed via experimental measurements.
含金属芯压电纤维可以模仿昆虫的毛发感受器,感知周围环境的气流变化。在含金属芯压电纤维的部分纵向表面涂镀电极,制备了表面部分电极含金属芯压电纤维传感器PMPF(Partial electrode of Metal core Piezoelectric Fiber)。基于平均电荷法,建立了悬臂梁结构PMPF准静态气流传感模型,分析了PMPF产生的电荷值与表面电极分布角度、纤维长度、气流流速和气流方向的关系。搭建了实验系统,测试了PMPF对冲击气流的响应,验证了理论模型。结果表明,PMPF的传感信号和气流流速成指数关系,和气流方向成"8"字形关系。PMPF具有气流速度和方向的传感性能。