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作品数:3 被引量:0H指数:0


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇理学
  • 1篇电子电信


  • 1篇OSCILL...
  • 1篇PERPEN...
  • 1篇SEMICO...
  • 1篇TUNNEL...
  • 1篇DRA
  • 1篇EFFECT
  • 1篇MAGNET...
  • 1篇MAGNET...
  • 1篇HOLES
  • 1篇DOUBLE...
  • 1篇SEMICO...
  • 1篇N-MOSF...
  • 1篇HEAVY
  • 1篇BULK
  • 1篇BAND


  • 3篇Chines...


  • 1篇2012
  • 2篇2009
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Orbital magnetization in semiconductors
This paper theoretically investigates the orbital magnetization of electron-doped (n-type) semiconductor het-erostructures and of hole-doped (p-type) bulk semiconductors, which are respectively described by a two-dimensional electron/hole Hamiltonian with both the included Rashba spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting terms. It is the Zeeman splitting, rather than the Rashba spin-orbit coupling, that destroys the time-reversal symmetry of the semiconductor systems and results in nontrivial orbital magnetization. The results show that the magnitude of the orbital magnetization per hole and the Hall conductance in the p-type bulk semiconductors are about 10^-2-10^-1 effective Bohr magneton and 10^-1-1 e^2/h, respectively. However, the orbital magnetization per electron and the Hall conductance in the n-type semiconductor heterostructures are too small to be easily observed in experiment.
Quantum confinement effects and source-to-drain tunneling in ultra-scaled double-gate silicon n-MOSFETs
By using the linear combination of bulk band (LCBB) method incorporated with the top of the barrier splitting (TBS) model, we present a comprehensive study on the quantum confinement effects and the source-to-drain tunneling in the ultra-scaled double-gate (DG) metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). A critical body thickness value of 5 nm is found, below which severe valley splittings among different X valleys for the occupied charge density and the current contributions occur in ultra-thin silicon body structures. It is also found that the tunneling current could be nearly 100% with an ultra-scaled channel length. Different from the previous simulation results, it is found that the source-to-drain tunneling could be effectively suppressed in the ultra-thin body thickness (2.0 nm and below) by the quantum confinement and the tunneling could be suppressed down to below 5% when the channel length approaches 16 nm regardless of the body thickness.
Jiang Xiang-WeiLi Shu-Shen
Magnetization of two-dimensional heavy holes with boundaries in a perpendicular magnetic field
The magnetisation of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in an external perpendicular magnetic field is studied theoretically. We concentrate on the effects on the magnetisation induced by the system boundary, the l^ashba SOC and the temperature. It is found that the sawtooth-like de Haas- van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations of the magnetisation will change dramatically in the presence of such three factors. Especially, the effects of the edge states and Rashba SOC on the magnetisation are more evident when the magnetic field is smaller. The oscillation center will shift when the boundary effect is considered and the Rashba SOC will bring beating patterns to the dHvA oscillations. These effects on the dHvA oscillations are preferably observed at low temperatures. With increasing temperature, the dHvA oscillations turn to be blurred and eventually disappear.