We report our recent work on mean-field potential effects on the elliptic flows of matters and antimatters in heavy ion collisions leading to the production of a baryon-rich matter.Within the framework of a multiphase transport(AMPT) model that includes both initial partonic and final hadronic interactions,we have found that including mean-field potentials in the hadronic phase leads to a splitting of the elliptic flows of particles and their antiparticles,providing thus a plausible explanation of the different elliptic flows between p and anti-p,K+and K-,and π+ and π- observed by the STAR Collaboration in the Beam Energy Scan(BES) program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC).Using a partonic transport model based on the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio(NJL) model,we have also studied the effect of scalar and vector mean fields on the elliptic flows of quarks and antiquarks in these collisions.Converting quarks and antiquarks at hadronization to hadrons via the quark coalescence model,we have found that the elliptic flow differences between particles and antiparticles also depend on the strength of the quark vector coupling in baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma,providing thus the possibility of extracting information on the latter's properties from the BES program at RHIC.
KO ChemingCHEN LiewenGRECO VincenzoLI FengLIN ZiweiPLUMARI SalvatoreSONG TaesooXU Jun
Within the nonlinear relativistic mean field(NLRMF) model, we show that both the pressure of symmetric nuclear matter at supra-saturation densities and the maximum mass of neutron stars are sensitive to the skewness coefficient, J_0, of symmetric nuclear matter. Using experimental constraints on the pressure of symmetric nuclear matter at supra-saturation densities from flow data in heavy-ion collisions and the astrophysical observation of a large mass neutron star PSR J0348+0432, with the former favoring a smaller J_0 while the latter favors a larger J_0, we extract a constraint of -494 MeV≤J_0≤-10 MeV based on the NL-RMF model. This constraint is compared with the results obtained in other analyses.