- 作品数:2 被引量:9H指数:2
- 发文基金:国家自然科学基金更多>>
- 相关领域:自动化与计算机技术理学更多>>
- 带集合约束的分布式随机凸优化被引量:4
- 2016年
- 本文研究了一个受集合约束的优化问题:minΣ~N_(i=1)f_i(x),s.t.x∈X,提出了一个基于多智能体系统的算法来求解这个问题.每个自主体i有其自身的一个局部目标函数f_i(x)以及全局约束集X.通过与相邻自主体的通信,每个自主体都能获取局部信息用来实现分布式控制律.本文证明了在所设计的分布式控制律的作用下,每个自主体的状态最终趋于一致并进入到全局目标函数的最优解集中,同时也满足约束x∈X.在大多数已有的算法里,每个自主体在每个采样时刻都需要进行以下的计算:(1)约束集投影;(2)次梯度搜索;(3)加权平均.然而在本文所提出的算法中,每个自主体在每个采样时刻只需要随机进行:(1)保持当前状态;(2)约束集投影;(3)次梯度搜索中的一项计算,然后再与相邻自主体的信息进行加权平均.与传统的确定性算法相比,本文的所提出的算法降低了每个采样时刻各个自主体的计算量.
- 龙昱屾刘帅谢立华
- 关键词:多智能体系统分布式控制
- Consensus Seeking for Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems with Communication Delay被引量:5
- 2015年
- This paper studies the consensus problem for discrete-time multi-agent systems of first-order in the presence of constant communication delay. Provided that the agent dynamics is unstable and the network topology is undirected, effects of two kinds of communication delays on consensus are investigated. When the relative information is affected by delay, we show that the effect of delay can be alleviated by using the historical input information in the protocol design. On the other hand, if the communication delay only influences the actually transmitted information, sufficient condition admitting any large yet bounded delay for consensus is obtained, and the delay in this case is allowed to be unknown and time-varying. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation.
- Zhenhua WangJuanjuan XuHuanshui Zhang