This paper studies the dynamic behaviors of some exact traveling wave solutions to the generalized Zakharov equation and the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The effects of the behaviors on the parameters of the systems are also studied by using a dynamical system method. Six exact explicit parametric representations of the traveling wave solutions to the two equations are given.
通过深入分析AES算法的EAX加密认证模式,提出一种新加密认证模式PEAX(Parallel-EAX),其中的加密和认证模式分别采用RCTR(Random CTR)和POMAC(Parallel OMAC)模式,使EAX-AES算法处理过程完全并行化,从而在软件和硬件实现上都达到满意的性能.PEAX保持EAX的优点,并能使认证处理和加密处理都基于相同的加密核心单元进行的,有效地降低实现过程的复杂度.最后并通过Visual Studio 2005软件仿真,验证PEAX模式优化的性能.