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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
以人工合成小麦Syn-CD780及其衍生品种川麦42与优良栽培品种杂交构建的2个重组近交系群体为材料,进行多环境(年份×地点)田间试验和产量性状QTL分析,探讨利用人工合成小麦资源突破小麦产量瓶颈的机会与潜力。结果表明:①所考察性状均呈连续性变异和双向超亲分离。S12群体(Syn-CD780×川育12)高产株系平均单产6.70 t/hm2,比川育12提高6.4%,增产缘于千粒质量的显著提高(10.0%);S16群体(川麦42×川农16)高产株系平均单产7.9 t/hm2,比川农16增产18.1%,增产缘于粒数/m2和千粒质量的共同提高。②基于S16群体实验数据,共检测到LOD>3.0的产量性状QTLs 55个。其中,产量QTLs 7个,贡献率7.5%~27.3%,均来自CM42;产量构成因素QTLs 48个,贡献率7.8%~32.8%。利用人工合成小麦或其衍生品种突破四川盆地小麦产量瓶颈的潜力较大。
Distribution and Selective Effects of Vrn-A1,Vrn-B1,and Vrn-D1 Genes in Derivative Varieties from Four Cornerstone Breeding Parents of Wheat in China被引量:1
Vernalization, the process of a long exposure to low temperature to induce flowering in plants, is essential for plants to adapt to cold winters. The presence of vernalization genes Vrn-A1, -B1, and -D1 in four cornerstone breeding parents of wheat in China (Funo, Mentana, Yanda 1817, and Bima 4) and 322 derivative varieties (mostly winter wheat) from these parents were determined using PCR based molecular method. The frequencies of the VRN-1 genes in these derivative varieties were in order of Vrn-Dl(67.1%)〉 Vrn-Bl(19.6%)〉 Vrn-Al(5.3%), which are similar as the former conclusion that Vrn-D1 is associated with the latest heading time, Vrn-A1 the earliest, and Vrn-B1 intermediate values. The frequencies of Vrn-Al and Vrn-B1 loci in the derivative varieties from winter wheat zones were higher than that from spring winter zones. Based on the wheat breeding history in China and the fact of non-random distribution of Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 in the derivative varieties from the four parents, there could be a strong selective effect on VRN-1 genes in different regions where the derivative varieties were cultivated.
ZHANG YangLIU Wan-chenLI JunWEI Hui-tingHU Xiao-rongLI Yue-jianLU Bao-rongYANG Wu-yun
Synthetic hexaploid wheat and its utilization for wheat genetic improvement in China被引量:26
Synthetic hexaploid wheat (Triticum turgidum x Aegilops tauschii) was created to explore for novel genes from T. turgidum and Ae. tauschii that can be used for common wheat improvement. In the present paper, research advances on the utilization of synthetic hexaploid wheat for wheat genetic improvement in China are reviewed. Over 200 synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) accessions from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) were introduced into China since 1995. Four cultivars derived from these, Chuanmai 38, Chuanmai 42, Chuanmai 43 and Chuanmai 47, have been released in China. Of these, Chuanmai 42, with large kernels and resistance to stripe rust, had the highest average yield (〉 6 t/ha) among all cultivars over two years in Sichuan provincial yield trials, outyielding the commercial check cultivar Chuanmai 107 by 22,7%. Meanwhile, by either artificial chromosome doubling via colchicine treatment or spontaneous chromosome doubling via a union of unreduced gametes (2n) from T. turgidum-Ae, tauschii hybrids, new SHW lines were produced in China. Mitotic-like meiosis might be the cytological mechanism of spontaneous chromosome doubling. SHW lines with genes for spontaneous chromosome doubling may be useful for producing new SHW-alien amphidiploids and double haploid in wheat genetic improvement.
Wuyun YangDengcai LiuJun LiLianquan ZhangHuiting WeiXiaorong HuYouliang ZhengZhouhu HeYuchun Zou
Identification of QTLs for Yield-Related Traits in the Recombinant Inbred Line Population Derived from the Cross Between a Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat-Derived Variety Chuanmai 42 and a Chinese Elite Variety Chuannong 16被引量:8
Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) represents a valuable source of new resistances to a range of biotic and abiotic stresses. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population with 127 recombinant inbred lines derived from a SHW-derived variety Chuanmai 42 crossing with a Chinese spring wheat variety Chuannong 16 was used to map QTLs for agronomic traits including grain yield, grains per square meter, thousand-kernel weight, spikes per square meter, grain number per spike, grains weight per spike, and biomass yield. The population was genotyped using 184 simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 34 sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Of 76 QTLs (LOD〉2.5) identified, 42 were found to have a positive effect from Chuanmai 42. The QTL QGy.saas-4D.2 associated with grain yield on chromosome 4D was detected in four of the six environments and the combined analysis, and the mean yield, across six environments, of individuals carrying the Chuanmai 42 allele at this locus was 8.9% higher than that of those lines carrying the Chuannong 16 allele. Seven clusters of the yield-coincident QTLs were detected on 1A, 4A, 3B, 5B, 4D, and 7D.
TANG Yong-luLI JunWU Yuan-qiWEI Hui-tingLI Chao-SUYANG Wu-yunCHEN Fang
Mapmarker/Exp(3.0)是目前分子作图中应用最广的软件之一,但由于许多重要参数的默认值并非是作图的最佳值,影响提高作图的精确性。本文以川麦42×川农16重组近交系(F8)作图群体为实例,对Mapmarker/Exp 3.0软件在遗传作图中不同LOD值、max distance值以及用compare and try、compare和order 3种排序方式对遗传图谱的影响进行了初步比较,结果表明,作图过程中,不应强求采取统一LOD值,对于特殊的连锁群可采取不同的LOD值;max distance值在20至50为宜,值过小容易遗漏大量本来正确连锁的标记;小于等于7个标记的连锁群可直接用compare命令排序。
Effect of HMW-GS 6 + 8 and 1.5 + 10 from Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat on Wheat Quality Traits被引量:10
To determine the effect of 6 + 8 and 1.5 + 10 HMW-GS of synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) on main quality parameters of wheat, a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between a SHW with N, 6 + 8, 1.5 + 10 HMW-GS and a cultivar Chuanyu 12-1 (CY 12-1) with 1, 7 + 8, 2 + 12 were planted in three environments in 2005 and 2006 and totally 16 quality parameters were tested for each line. Significant differences in all tested quality parameters but flour yield were observed between the two parents. The mean values of the RILs were intermediate to the parents for grain and protein parameters and some farinograph parameters, flour water absorption (FWA), and farinograph softening (SOF) but beyond parents at dough stability time (DST), breakdown time (BRT), quality number (QN), noodle score (NS), and loaf volume (LOV). All of the quality traits, especially in grain hardness (GH), zeleny sedimentation volume (SED), and most of farinograph parameters had significant difference between the different HMW-GS components. The effects of different alleles of HMW-GS at same locus (Glu-A1 or Glu-B1 or GIu-D1) on the different quality parameters were also different and affected by the other two loci. For most of parameters tested, 6 + 8 was better than 7 + 8 and there was no difference between 1.5 + 10 and 2 + 12. End-use quality was greatly influenced by components of HMW-GS. The components of 1, 6 + 8, 1.5 + 10 had the highest LOV and bread score (BS) values, whereas the components of 1, 7+ 8 and 1.5 + 10 had the highest NS values. Noodle score performed a positive linear relationship with falling number (FN) and its relationships to other quality parameters were affected by environments. Loaf volume had a significant negative relationship to SOF and positive associations with most of quality parameters. It could be concluded that HMW-GS 6+ 8 from SHW had better overall quality characteristics than 7 + 8, whereas the ef
TANG Yong-luYANG Wu-yunTIAN Ji-chunLI JunCHEN Fang
以3个小麦品种为实验材料,在室温(18℃)和低温(4℃)胁迫下测定发芽特性和幼苗(萌发15 d)形态指标,以各性状低温与室温下测定值的比值(相对值)作为小麦耐低温评价指标,评价小麦萌发和幼苗的耐低温特性。结果表明:低温降低小麦发芽速度和阻碍幼苗生长,苗比根对低温敏感,低温的干鲜比大于室温的干鲜重比值;种子萌发和幼苗期的各性状相对值可以作为鉴定小麦耐低温的评价指标。