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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Studies on the Secretion of Organic Acids from Roots of Two-year-old Larix olgensis under Nutrient and Water Stress
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of nutrient and water stress on the secretion of organic acids from roots of two-year-old Larix olgensis. [Method] Different nutrient and water stress conditions were designed to investi- gate the types and quantities of organic acids secreted from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis. [Result] Under nutrient and water stress, the types of organic acids secreted from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis increased, which varied with different stress levels. In addition, nutrient and water stress also increased the secretory vol- ume of organic acids from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis. The increment in total amount of organic acids reached the maximum under Level 1 (high stress). Among different types of organic acids, the increment in secretory volume of citric acid reached the maximum, followed by malic acid, while oxalic acid presented relatively small increment. Furthermore, the increment in secretory volume of these three organic acids all reached the maximum under Level 1. [Conclusion] The proportion of the secretory volume of each organic acid accounting for the total amount of organic acids varied slightly, but the overall order was unchanged.
Effects of Exogenous Organic Acids on Phosphorus Availability of Dark Brown Forest Soils and Phosphorus Absorption and Accumulation of Larix olgensis Seedlings with Nutrient Deficiency
Different proportions of A1 and B horizons dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to set the soil nutrient deficient conditions, and Larix olgensis seedlings were cultivated. By simulating organic acids concentrations in forest litter leachates of northeast China, the effects and mechanism of different concentrations of organic acid solutions on phosphorus (P) availability of dark brown forest soils and P absorption of Larix olgensis seedlings with nutrient deficiency were studied. The results showed that, compared with A1 horizon soils, available P contents of mixed soils in A1 and B horizons decreased, and P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in root and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings also decreased, but efficiency of P utilization increased. After treatments of exogenous organic acids, available P contents of mixed soils increased and the impact sequence of different organic acids were succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid; the concentration of 5.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the best effect of organic acids was at 20 d. Organic acids also increased P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in roots and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings, but decreased efficiency of P utilization. The impact strength of organic acids on P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake varied with treatment time, type and concentration of organic acids. The results of 20 d and 30 d in roots were higher than those of 10 d, however, the results of 10 d and 20 d in leaves were higher than those of 30 d, thus, at the earlier stage of organic acids treatments, more P absorbed were transferred to leaves, and at the later stage, more P would be accumulated in roots. The concentration of 10.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the impact sequence of different organic acids was succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid. Therefore, organic acids might contribute to P absorption and accumulation by Larix olgensis seedlings, final y increasing the adaptability and endurance of Larix olgensis seedlin
[目的]研究养分缺乏下外源有机酸对暗棕壤脱氢酶活性的影响。[方法]用不同比例A1和B层暗棕壤(A1∶B=1∶2)设置土壤养分缺乏条件、栽植落叶松幼苗,通过有机酸溶液外源添加,系统研究不同浓度草酸、柠檬酸和琥珀酸对养分缺乏下暗棕壤脱氢酶活性的影响。[结果]养分缺乏下,暗棕壤的脱氢酶活性明显降低,且胁迫时间越长降低幅度越大。对于养分缺乏的暗棕壤,大多数有机酸处理均提高了土壤的脱氢酶活性,提高程度因处理时间、有机酸种类和浓度而异。在处理10、20和30 d时,最显著的有机酸处理浓度分别为10.0、5.0和10.0 mmol/L;不同处理时间内对脱氢酶活性的增幅为30 d>20 d>10 d;3种有机酸的增加效果为:琥珀酸>柠檬酸>草酸。[结论]外源有机酸对养分缺乏暗棕壤的脱氢酶活性提高有很好的促进作用,也一定程度上提高了暗棕壤的微生物活性和土壤肥力。
通过外源添加不同浓度草酸或柠檬酸溶液,系统研究了不同处理时间下,草酸和柠檬酸对土壤Pb胁迫下长白落叶松幼苗多种生理生化特性、元素吸收及生长的影响,特别是叶绿素荧光参数、根系形态特征及养分元素吸收状况。结果表明,Pb胁迫对长白落叶松产生毒害,叶片细胞膜透性和F0提高,叶片可溶性蛋白含量、叶绿素荧光参数(Fm、Fv、Fv/Fm和Fv/F0比率)、根系表面积、长度、体积和比根长均下降。细根和叶片K、Ca、Fe、Pb含量及细根Mg含量显著增加,但叶片Mg含量降低,根、茎和叶干质量也显著降低。时间越长Pb对苗木的毒害越重。外源草酸和柠檬酸处理使上述生理生化特性和根系形态指标均向相反方向变化,并显著提高根、茎和叶等各部分干质量,提高了苗木对Pb胁迫的抵抗力和适应性。有机酸对上述指标的影响一般在20或30 d,5.0或10.0 mmol/L效果最佳,且柠檬酸效果强于草酸。草酸和柠檬酸降低苗木细根和叶片Mg、K、Ca含量,但增加Fe含量。较低浓度有机酸处理时,苗木细根和叶片Pb含量降低,此时苗木对Pb胁迫的解毒机制主要体现在外部排斥机制,而较高浓度时(5.0~10.0 mmol/L)Pb含量却升高,此时内部耐受机制发挥的作用更大,但也不排除2种机制同时起作用的可能性。研究能为有机酸应用于植物修复土壤Pb胁迫提供理论指导,也能为东北林区Pb胁迫土壤的有效利用开辟新思路。
Effects of Exogenous Organic Acids on Dehydrogenase Activity in Dark Brown Forest Soils under Nutrient Deficiency被引量:1
Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of exogenous or-ganic acids on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient defi-ciency. [Method] Different proportions of A1 and B horizon dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to establish soil conditions with nutrient deficiency for cultivation of Larix olgensis seedlings. The effects of oxalic acid, citric acid and succinic acid on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency were studied systematical y by adding different concentrations of organic acid solutions. [Result] Under nutrient deficiency, dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils was reduced significantly, and the reduction increased with the extension of stress duration. Most organic acid treatments improved dehydrogenase activity in nutrient-deficient dark brown forest soils, and the effects varied with different treatment du-ration and types and concentrations of organic acids. Furthermore, 10.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mmol/L organic acid treatments exhibited the most significant effects on day 10, 20 and 30, respectively. The increment of dehydrogenase activity in different durations showed a downward trend of 30 d〉20 d〉10 d; the improvement effects of three organic acids on dehydrogenase activity showed a downward trend of succinic acid〉 citric acid〉oxalic acid. [Conclusion] Exogenous organic acids improved signifi-cantly dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency and also improved the microbial activity and soil fertility to a certain extent.
Organic Acids Secreted from Plant Roots under Soil Stress and Their Effects on Ecological Adaptability of Plants被引量:12
[Objective] In this study,the secretion of organic acids from plant roots under soil nutrient and water stress and the effects of organic acids on ecological adaptability of plants were investigated,which provided theoretical basis for improving the adaptability of plants to a variety of stress conditions.The results showed that,under nutrient and water stress,the content of organic acids secreted from plant roots increased significantly as a common active adaptive response.Organic acids could improve the activities of a variety of antioxidant enzymes,contents of osmotic regulatory substances,contents of chlorophyll and photosynthesis levels,promote nutrient absorption and transportation in plants,and ultimately contribute to plant growth and biomass accumulation,reduce the toxicity of stress conditions to plants and improve the stress resistance and adaptability of plants.