Purpose: This case report highlights a rare instance of a 26-week pregnant woman presenting with limb numbness, diagnosed with acute transverse myelitis (ATM) following COVID-19 vaccination. Notably, she tested positive for neuromyelitis optica (NMO) but did not exhibit the typical symptoms of blurred vision. Methods: Data were collected from I Seha in governmental hospitals in Bahrain, providing a comprehensive overview of the patient’s clinical journey. Results: The patient was treated with carbamazepine, steroids, and clexane, leading to the successful delivery of a healthy baby at 34 weeks. However, two years postpartum, she reported new episodes of blurred vision and numbness. Subsequent treatment with Rituximab resulted in significant improvement, with a diagnosis of Devic’s disease established. Conclusion: Acute transverse myelitis is a rare condition, particularly during pregnancy, and in this case, symptoms of Devic’s disease were masked by the absence of blurred vision. This condition predominantly affects females in their 20s during childbearing years and can lead to complications such as premature delivery. Effective management includes steroids and antiepileptic drugs, with clexane playing a crucial role in preventing embolisms. A delivery mode may vary based on obstetric factors, and MRI remains the gold standard for diagnosis. Close follow-up is essential for optimal patient outcomes.
Huda Abbas Ali IsaFatema HasanZainab Mohd Al AswadNaeema Ahmed Abdulkareem
To analyse the effectiveness of performing a transverse tibial bone graft in the treatment of patients with diabetic foot. We retrospectively analysed the clinical details of 51 diabetic foot patients in our hospital from February 2023 to February 2024 and divided them into two groups according to the different treatment modalities, in which the control group received open debridement and the treatment group received transverse tibial bone transfer and compared the differences between the two groups. There were large differences in VAS score, Toronto Clinical Symptom Score, quality of life score, internal lumen diameter, blood flow velocity in the affected limb, perfusion volume, vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor and CRP between the two groups after surgery (P < 0.05). Patients with diabetic foot should be treated with transverse tibial bone grafting, which is safer and more effective and can have a significant impact on improving the status of the affected limb, the inflammation and the patient’s quality of life.
We present a theoretical study of the medium modifications of the p_(T)balance (x_(J)) of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at■.The initial production of dijets was carried out using the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 prescription,which matches the next-toleading-order (NLO) QCD matrix elements with the parton shower (PS) effect.The SHELL model described the in-medium evolution of nucleus–nucleus collisions using a transport approach.The theoretical results of the dijet xJin the Xe+Xe collisions exhibit more imbalanced distributions than those in the p+p collisions,consistent with recently reported ATLAS data.By utilizing the Interleaved Flavor Neutralisation,an infrared-and-collinear-safe jet flavor algorithm,to identify the flavor of the reconstructed jets,we classify dijets processes into three categories:gluon–gluon (gg),quark–gluon (qg),and quark–quark (qq),and investigated the respective medium modification patterns and fraction changes of the gg,qg,and qq components of the dijet sample in Xe+Xe collisions.It is shown that the increased fraction of qg component at a small x_(J)contributes to the imbalance of the dijet;in particular,the q_(1)g_(2)(quark-jet-leading) dijets experience more significant asymmetric energy loss than the g_(1)q_(2)(gluon-jet-leading) dijets traversing the QGP.By comparing the■of inclusive,■ dijets in Xe+Xe collisions,we observe■.Moreover,ρ_(Xe),P_(b),the ratios of the nuclear modification factors of dijets in Xe+Xe to those in Pb+Pb,were calculated,which indicates that the yield suppression of dijets in Pb+Pb is more pronounced than that in Xe+Xe owing to the larger radius of the lead nucleus.
BACKGROUND Ostomy is a common surgery usually performed to protect patients from clinical symptoms caused by distal anastomotic leakage after colorectal cancer(CRC)surgery and perforation or to relieve intestinal obstruction.AIM To analyze the complications after transverse colostomy closure.METHODS Patients who underwent transverse colostomy closure from Jan 2015 to Jan 2022 were retrospectively enrolled in a single clinical center.The differences between the complication group and the no complication group were compared.Logistic regression analyses were conducted to find independent factors for overall complications or incision infection.RESULTS A total of 102 patients who underwent transverse colostomy closure were enrolled in the current study.Seventy(68.6%)patients underwent transverse colostomy because of CRC related causes.Postoperative complications occurred in 30(29.4%)patients and the most frequent complication occurring after transverse colostomy closure was incision infection(46.7%).The complication group had longer hospital stays(P<0.01).However,no potential risk factors were identified for overall complications and incision infection.CONCLUSION The most frequent complication occurring after transverse colostomy closure surgery in our center was incision infection.The operation time,interval from transverse colostomy to reversal,and method of anastomosis might have no impact on the postoperative complications.Surgeons should pay more attention to aseptic techniques.
Isotope shifts among different isotopes can be effectively addressed using narrow-linewidth lasers,facilitating laser isotope separation and achieving significant enrichment at a single stage.The separation of potassium isotopes,employing optical pumping and magnetic deflection,has proven to be efficient.To further improve the enrichment of ^(40)K,we introduce 2D transverse cooling to minimize the divergence angle.Through this modification,we demonstrate enrichment of ^(40)K,elevating it from 0.012%to 12%–20%.This represents an enrichment increase by three orders of magnitude,surpassing our previous result by one order.Our method is particularly well-suited for isotope enrichment of elements with extremely low abundance.