In the United States, the costs of health care have become a major burden for the health care system. In order to address this problem, the hospitals of Syracuse, New York, developed programs to provide subacute and complex care. The Subacute programs provided patient transportation services for dialysis and other types of care outside hospitals. They also developed programs for services such as intravenous therapy in nursing homes. The Complex Care Programs, such as intravenous therapy and mental health services, have provided alternatives to extended care in hospitals. During the past five years, utilization of these programs has varied, declining between 2019 and 2022, and then increasing between 2022 and 2024. The programs have avoided the need for 1530 - 2974 patient days in hospitals. The programs saved the Syracuse hospitals approximately $600 per inpatient day. This amounted to savings of $918,000 - $1,784,400 per year. These programs demonstrated how relatively small mechanisms can save large amounts of health care resources.
On average, long-haul trucks in the U.S. use approximately 667 million gallons of fuel each year just for idling. This idling primarily facilitates climate control operations during driver rest periods. To mitigate this, our study explored ways to diminish the electrical consumption of climate control systems in class 8 trucks through innovative load reduction technologies. We utilized the CoolCalc software, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which integrates heat transfer principles with extensive weather data from across the U.S. to mimic the environmental conditions trucks face year-round. The analysis of the CoolCalc simulations was performed using MATLAB. We assessed the impact of various technologies, including white paint, advanced curtains, and Thinsulate insulation on reducing electrical demand compared to standard conditions. Our findings indicate that trucks operating in the eastern U.S. could see electrical load reductions of up to 40%, while those in the western regions could achieve reductions as high as 55%. Such significant decreases in energy consumption mean that a 10 kWh battery system could sufficiently manage the HVAC needs of these trucks throughout the year without idling. Given that many long-haul trucks are equipped with battery systems of around 800 Ah (9.6 kWh), implementing these advanced technologies could substantially curtail the necessity for idling to power air conditioning systems.
Background: To reduce infant and child mortality in Benin, a package of high-impact interventions per healthcare level was implemented in 2009. This study aimed to assess the quality of community-based health interventions in reducing infant and child mortality within the municipality of Pobè in southeastern Benin. Methods: This was a cross-sectional evaluative study carried out in November 2021 focused on children aged 0 - 59 months, their mothers, health workers, community facilitators, community health workers and the Town Hall health focal point. Mothers and their children were targeted by cluster sampling, and exhaustive selection was used to recruit all other participants. Predetermined scores based on rating criteria were used to assess the quality of community health interventions using the “input, process and outcome” of Donabedian approach. Results: Over 300 mother-child couples, 46 community health workers, 7 health agents, 1 community facilitator and 1 health focal point from Pobè town hall were surveyed. Intervention quality was judged as “average”, with a score of 73.80%. The “inputs” and “outcomes” components were the weakest links. Conclusion: Improving access to the inputs needed by community health workers can enhance the quality of PIHI interventions.
Charles Sossa JeromeDaouda GbadamassiLamidhi SalamiColette AzandjemeClémence MetonnouMoussiliou N. Paraiso
Our Solar System contains eight planets and their respective natural satellites excepting the inner two planets Mercury and Venus. A satellite hosted by a given Planet is well protected by the gravitational pertubation of much heavier planets such as Jupiter and Saturn if the natural satellite lies deep inside the respective host Planet Hill sphere. Each planet has a Hill radius aH and planet mean radius RP and the ratio R1=RP/aH. Under very low R1 (less than 0.006) the approximation of CRTBP (centrally restricted three-body problem) to two-body problem is valid and planet has spacious Hill lobe to capture a satellite and retain it. This ensures a high probability of capture of natural satellite by the given planet and Sun’s perturbation on Planet-Satellite binary can be neglected. This is the case with Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. But Mercury and Venus has R1=RP/aH =0.01 and 5.9862 × 10-3 respectively hence they have no satellites. There is a limit to the dimension of the captured body. It must be a much smaller body both dimensionally as well masswise. The qantitative limit is a subject of an independent study.
The global minimum tax impacts the effectiveness of tax incentives.Many countries view tax burden reduction as a necessary lever to promote foreign direct investment(FDI)and economic growth.In this article,the authors provide a broader perspective.The proposed holistic approach may offer insights to lowincome and emerging countries in facing current challenges in the sphere of taxation and economic growth.
为充分了解主要贸易伙伴国(机构)减脂代餐市场所涉及的安全监管机构和相关职责,把握减脂代餐市场涉及的相关法律法规和技术标准,本文首先阐述了国际标准化组织(InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization,ISO)、国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission,CAC)有关减脂代餐的部门职责及其制定的法律法规技术标准;然后阐述了美国食品药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)、美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture,USDA)、美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)、美国联邦通讯委员会(Federal Trade Commission,FCC)、日本消费者厅(Consumer Affairs Agency,CAA)、日本食品安全委员会、日本厚生劳动省、日本农林水产省、欧洲食品安全局欧盟委员会(EuropeanFoodSafety Authority,EFSA)、食品与兽医办公室(the Food and Veterinary Office,FVO)以及欧盟部分国家相关的部门职责及其制定的法律法规技术标准;最后阐述了中国代餐市场所涉及的职能部门和相关法律法规技术标准。通过对主要贸易伙伴国(机构)减脂代餐市场职能部门和相关法律法规技术标准的把握,为进口减脂代餐产品提供风险控制方向,为出口减脂代餐产品提供政策指引,同时为国内制定更为完善的标准法规提供参考。