目的探讨H2H营养管理模式在稳定期炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel diseases,IBD)患者中的应用效果。方法将2022年5月-8月武汉市中心医院消化内科收治的52例稳定期IBD患者设为对照组,将2022年9月-12月收治的52例稳定期IBD患者设为观察组,对照组采取常规营养管理模式,观察组采用H2H营养管理模式,比较2组上臂围、体质指数(body mass index,BMI)、血红蛋白及白蛋白浓度。结果干预6个月后,观察组上臂围值、BMI、血红蛋白及白蛋白浓度均高于对照组(t=-3.135,P=0.002;t=-2.448,P=0.016;t=-2.973,P=0.004;t=-3.299,P=0.001)。结论H2H营养管理模式可有效改善稳定期IBD患者的营养指标,值得临床推广应用。
Niels Bohr constructed the first version of quantum mechanics. It has been called “old quantum mechanics” with a connotation of being obsolete. It is logically consistent, however, and deserves the name of simple quantum mechanics (SQM). It differs only from the semiclassical approximation by assuming that the average position and average velocity of an electron can be sharply defined on closed orbits. This assumption does not contradict Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations, since the quantization rule means that the electron can be anywhere on this orbit when it allows for stationary waves. This approach was remarkably efficient for one electron in hydrogen atoms and even for the electron pair in hydrogen molecules. However, dissociation of H2 and determination of the orbit of the single electron in H2+led to problems that remained unsolved for more than 100 years. Their solution, presented here, yields more physical insight and reveals, for instance, that mutual polarization of two hydrogen atoms can yield a metastable state.