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Probabilistic Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Continuously Varying Partial Shading Conditions on Autonomous PV Systems
A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there is a need for a control schema to force the PV string to operate at global maximum power point (GMPP). While a lot of tracking methods have been proposed in the literature, they are usually complex and do not fully take advantage of the available characteristics of the PV array. This work highlights how the voltage at operating point and the forward voltage of the bypass diode are considered to design a global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) algorithm with a very limited global search phase called Fast GMPPT. This algorithm successfully tracks GMPP between 94% and 98% of the time under a theoretical evaluation. It is then compared against Perturb and Observe, Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization, and Grey Wolf Optimization under a sequence of irradiance steps as well as a power-over-voltage characteristics profile that mimics the electrical characteristics of a PV string under varying partial shading conditions. Overall, the simulation with the sequence of irradiance steps shows that while Fast GMPPT does not have the best convergence time, it has an excellent convergence rate as well as causes the least amount of power loss during the global search phase. Experimental test under varying partial shading conditions shows that while the GMPPT proposal is simple and lightweight, it is very performant under a wide range of dynamically varying partial shading conditions and boasts the best energy efficiency (94.74%) out of the 4 tested algorithms.
Kha Bao Khanh CaoVincent Boitier
On the Relationship between Chinese Language Education in Malaysia and Indonesia with Their National Conditions
Chinese language education exists in both Malaysia and Indonesia. The commonalities and individualities of the national conditions of both countries have an impact on their Chinese language education. The official languages scripts, and major beliefs of the two countries are quite similar, and under their influence, local Chinese have special expectations for Chinese language education. Compared to Indonesia, Malaysian Chinese have a larger proportion of the population and a tendency towards marriage, which to some extent is more conducive to the Chinese language education of local Chinese. Both countries’ national conditions and personalities have unfavorable factors for local Chinese language education.
Limao Chen
研究了大型水陆两栖飞机全机静力试验载荷工况筛选。结合设计载荷情况和载荷工况池,提出了大型水陆两栖飞机全机静力试验载荷工况筛选指导原则。按照静力试验考核范围,基于部件严重受载情况分析、内力包线和静强度裕度对比,提出了全机工况和部件工况的筛选思路和方法。以大型水陆两栖飞机稳定俯仰2.5 g工况和发动机支架及其连接结构静力试验为例,对全机和部件工况筛选过程进行了说明。研究结果表明,通过载荷工况筛选后,可以给出大型水陆两栖飞机全机静力试验载荷工况集,满足工程验证试验的目的和要求,提高全机静力试验效率,加快型号研制进度。该研究可为其他大型飞机全机静力试验的设计和实施提供参考。
Inverse Spectral Problem for Sturm-Liouville Operator with Boundary and Jump Conditions Dependent on the Spectral Parameter
In this paper, the inverse spectral problem of Sturm-Liouville operator with boundary conditions and jump conditions dependent on the spectral parameter is investigated. Firstly, the self-adjointness of the problem and the eigenvalue properties are given, then the asymptotic formulas of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are presented. Finally, the uniqueness theorems of the corresponding inverse problems are given by Weyl function theory and inverse spectral data approach.
Hui ZhaoJijun Ao
该研究以红曲糟为原料,以米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)MJY2-5为发酵菌种,通过固态发酵制备成品曲,以中性蛋白酶及谷氨酰胺酶酶活力为评价指标,采用单因素和正交试验优化红曲糟制曲条件;以酶解率为指标,研究米曲霉MJY2-5最佳产酶条件。结果表明,米曲霉MJY2-5固态发酵制曲的最优条件为红曲糟与麸皮质量比4∶6、发酵温度32℃,发酵时间72 h,初始pH值6.7。在此优化条件下,米曲霉MJY2-5产中性蛋白酶、谷氨酰胺酶的酶活力分别为(1 891.79±6.34)U/g、(19.96±0.44)U/g。米曲霉MJY2-5产酶最佳条件为初始pH值5.5,酶解温度47℃,酶解时间6 h。在此优化条件下,酶解率为(63.42±0.98)%。
The Impact of Physiotherapy Interventions on the Elderly Population with Mental Health Conditions at Chainama Hills College Hospital in Zambia. A Pre-Post Single Sample Study Design
Background: Physical functional decline is common among elderly individuals with mental disorders, worsening their symptoms. Physiotherapy interventions have shown some evidence in improving physical function and mental health outcomes in this population. This study aimed to assess the impact of physiotherapy interventions on the elderly with mental health conditions at Chainama Hills College Hospital in Zambia. Methods: A pre-post single sample design was used to track patient progress over six weeks, with 10 physiotherapy sessions. The study population (N = 30) comprised of all elderly individuals with mental health conditions, encompassing both men and women, who were hospitalized during the research period. The Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living and the six-minute walk test were evaluated before and after the intervention. The IBM SPSS version 26 was used to analyze data and results were presented as mean ± SD with a 95% confidence interval. The variables were described in terms of their mean, SD, and range. A significance level of 0.05 was used for a paired T-test to detect changes and multiple logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with mental health. Results: Following the intervention, the percentage of participants achieving full function and independence increased significantly to 96.7% from the initial 73.3%, supported by a 95% CI = [0.82 - 0.99]. There was also a notable decrease in the proportion of individuals experiencing moderate impairment, dropping from 26.7% to just 3.3%, with a corresponding 95% CI = [0.00 - 0.17]. Conclusion: The findings derived from this study illustrate an enhancement in the aspects of participants’ overall health and functional condition, including blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Consequently, physiotherapy exercises can be employed as a tactic to ameliorate the functional status and physical well-being of older individuals afflicted with mental disorders in Zambia.
Bibi Mwanatambwe PhiriMartha Banda ChalweMargaret MweshiLoveness Anila Nkhata
Effect of boundary conditions on shakedown analysis of heterogeneous materials
The determination of the ultimate load-bearing capacity of structures made of elastoplastic heterogeneous materials under varying loads is of great importance for engineering analysis and design. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately predict the shakedown domains of these materials. The static shakedown theorem, also known as Melan's theorem, is a fundamental method used to predict the shakedown domains of structures and materials. Within this method, a key aspect lies in the construction and application of an appropriate self-equilibrium stress field(SSF). In the structural shakedown analysis, the SSF is typically constructed by governing equations that satisfy no external force(NEF) boundary conditions. However, we discover that directly applying these governing equations is not suitable for the shakedown analysis of heterogeneous materials. Researchers must consider the requirements imposed by the Hill-Mandel condition for boundary conditions and the physical significance of representative volume elements(RVEs). This paper addresses this issue and demonstrates that the sizes of SSFs vary under different boundary conditions, such as uniform displacement boundary conditions(DBCs), uniform traction boundary conditions(TBCs), and periodic boundary conditions(PBCs). As a result, significant discrepancies arise in the predicted shakedown domain sizes of heterogeneous materials. Built on the demonstrated relationship between SSFs under different boundary conditions, this study explores the conservative relationships among different shakedown domains, and provides proof of the relationship between the elastic limit(EL) factors and the shakedown loading factors under the loading domain of two load vertices. By utilizing numerical examples, we highlight the conservatism present in certain results reported in the existing literature. Among the investigated boundary conditions, the obtained shakedown domain is the most conservative under TBCs.Conversely, utilizing PBCs to construct an SSF for the shakedown analysis lea
Xiuchen GONGYinghao NIEGengdong CHENGKai LI
Boundary Conditions for Momentum and Vorticity at an Interface between Two Fluids
Boundary conditions for momentum and vorticity have been precisely derived, paying attention to the physical meaning of each mathematical expression of terms rigorously obtained from the basic equations: Navier-Stokes equation and the equation of vorticity transport. It has been shown first that a contribution of fluid molecules crossing over a conceptual surface moving with fluid velocity due to their fluctuating motion is essentially important to understanding transport phenomena of momentum and vorticity. A notion of surface layers, which are thin layers at both sides of an interface, has been introduced next to elucidate the transporting mechanism of momentum and vorticity from one phase to the other at an interface through which no fluid molecules are crossing over. A fact that a size of  δV, in which reliable values of density, momentum, and velocity of fluid are respectively defined as a volume-averaged mass of fluid molecules, a volume-averaged momentum of fluid molecules and a mass-averaged velocity of fluid molecules, is not infinitesimal but finite has been one of the key factors leading to the boundary conditions for vorticity at an interface between two fluids. The most distinguished characteristics of the boundary conditions derived here are the zero-value conditions for a normal component of momentum flux and tangential components of vorticity flux, at an interface.
Korekazu Ueyama


研究主题:色氨酸 高效液相色谱法 犬尿氨酸 血清 犬尿喹啉酸
研究主题:番茄 水稻 仁用杏 外源基因表达 玻璃化法
研究主题:沼液 耐热木聚糖酶 基因工程菌 小球藻 舟形藻