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Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Different Altitudes Affect Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Abundance and Colonization in Cacao Plantations of Cameroon
This study aims to investigate the abundance of AMF according to soil properties and altitudes in different cacao plantations of Cameroon. Physico-chemical analyses were made on soil samples collected from three agro-ecological zones. Soil samples were also used to evaluate directly the AMF abundance following the various altitudes and after trapping by sorghum plant. The results showed that soil properties, AMF spore abundances and colonization fluctuated significantly at different altitudes. The most represented texture was sandy loam. The bimodal zone presented a homogeneous texture (sandy loam) in all its localities. Cacao soil chemical characteristics showed that, the highest nitrogen rate (0.47%;p 0.05, Scott-Knott test) was recorded at Melong in a monomodal zone while Tonga in the Western highlands displayed the lowest rate (0.13%). Soil P concentration was significantly high in monomodal zones (Mbanga and Melong). Soil pH level indicated that the soil from Tonga in the Western highlands was neutral (pH = 6.67), and soils of other localities under study were acidic with the lowest (4.75) pH level recorded at Melong in a monomodal zone. In soil samples, the highest spore density (1.03 spores/g soil) was observed at Ntui in Bimodal zone, while the lowest spore density (0.26 spores/g soil) was observed at Bafang in the Western highlands. Root colonization showed that the sample from Bokito in a bimodal zone displayed the best frequency of mycorrhization (86.11%) while the sample from Bafang in the Western highlands recorded the lowest (27.11%). The PCA analysis highlighted that available phosphorus, pH and altitude all strongly correlated with AMF root colonization ability and can be used as a predictor of AMF colonization ability in cacao rhizosphere.
Franklin Tounkam KetchiemoBeaulys FotsoAstride Stéphanie Mouafi DjabouVictor Jos Eyamo EvinaJaphet Youri EssambitaFranck Maxime Ewane TangNicolas Niemenak
Morphological Characterization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with the Rhizosphere According to the Age of Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott Plants in the Field
The objective of this work was to carry out a morphological characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott plants. The plant material used was the white and red cultivars of X. sagittifolium, belonging to age intervals of 3 - 6, 6 - 9, and 9 - 12 months. Three harvest sites were chosen in the Central Region of Cameroon. In each site, soil from the rhizosphere and plant roots was collected in a randomized manner. In the field, the agronomic parameters were evaluated. The physicochemical characteristics of the soils, the mycorrhization index, and the morphological characterization of the mycorrhizal types of each site were carried out. The results obtained show that the agronomic growth parameters varied significantly using the Student Newman and Keuls Test depending on the harvest sites. The soils’ pH in all sites was acidic and ranged between 4.6 and 5.8. The Nkometou site has a loamy texture while the Olembe and Soa sites have loam-clay-sandy and loam-clay textures respectively. The highest mycorrhization frequencies appeared at the Nkometou site, with 75 and 87.33% of the white and red cultivars plant roots at 6 - 9 and 3 - 6 months. The relative abundance of AMF arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores in the rhizosphere of X. sagittifolium plants varied with age and cultivar. There were 673 spores between 9 - 12 months in Nkometou in the red cultivar. Six AMF genera were identified in all the different soils collected: Acaulospora sp., Funneliformis sp., Gigaspora sp., Glomus sp., Scutellospora sp., and Septoglomus sp. The genus Glomus sp. was the most present at all age intervals in both cultivars.
Audrey Maguy Bengono NyimieboloAstride Carole DjeuaniHermann Désiré MbouobdaAntoine Marie Kevin TikiTheresa Akinimbom MomaDiobe Motassy ManuelaSamuel Brice AdoungaChristophe Fendju PanguekoJones NshanjiIssofa NguetrapounaRose Theophine Derricka Djem MoutamalA. Ziem Amang AmangNicolas Niemenak
小麦是人类种植的最为重要的作物之一,对保障粮食安全有着极其重要的作用,因此,小麦的高产、稳产、优质一直是研究的热点科学问题;而丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizae,AM)是存在于植物根系的最广泛共生体,能够改善植物营养、提高植物产量和提升植物品质。为了系统、全面地评估AM在小麦生产方面的功能,筛选有利于小麦生产的高效AM真菌,本研究采用meta分析方法,基于171篇相关研究文献建立了数据库,整体评价了AM对小麦产量和品质的影响,并探讨了不同AM真菌的效应差异。结果表明,AM能通过提高17.1%的穗粒数和15.7%的千粒重,而实现小麦增产24.2%;同时,AM改善了小麦的品质,使籽粒蛋白质含量提高15.7%,P和Zn含量分别增加15.2%和21.5%;AM对小麦产量和品质的改善可能是基于改善了小麦植物营养状况和叶片叶绿素含量,其提高小麦植株地上部N含量8.4%、P 16.2%、Ca 91.2%和Zn 11.3%,并提高叶绿素含量27.5%。不同属或种的AM真菌对小麦产量和品质的影响存在明显差异,其中,斗管囊霉属真菌的效应更显著和稳定。本研究全面评价了AM对小麦产量和品质的影响,探讨了其作用机制,分析了不同AM真菌的效应差异,以期为丛枝菌根应用于小麦生产,以及选择高效的AM真菌提供理论和实践依据。
General and specialized metabolites in peanut roots regulate arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Arbuscular mycorrhizae(AM)fungi form symbiotic associations with plant roots,providing nutritional benefits and promoting plant growth and defenses against various stresses.Metabolic changes in the roots during AM fungal colonization are key to understanding the development and maintenance of these symbioses.Here,we investigated metabolic changes in the roots of peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)plants during the colonization and development of AM symbiosis,and compared them to uncolonized roots.The primary changes during the initial stage of AM colonization were in the contents and compositions of phenylpropanoid and flavonoid compounds.These compounds function in signaling pathways that regulate recognition,interactions,and pre-colonization between roots and AM fungi.Flavonoid compounds decreased by 25%when the symbiosis was fully established compared to the initial colonization stage.After AM symbiosis was established,general metabolism strongly shifted toward the formation of lipids,amino acids,carboxylic acids,and carbohydrates.Lipid compounds increased by 8.5%from the pre-symbiotic stage to well-established symbiosis.Lyso-phosphatidylcholines,which are signaling compounds,were only present in AM roots,and decreased in content after the symbiosis was established.In the initial stage of AM establishment,the content of salicylic acid increased two-fold,whereas jasmonic acid and abscisic acid decreased compared to uncolonized roots.The jasmonic acid content decreased in roots after the symbiosis was well established.AM symbiosis was associated with high levels of calcium,magnesium,and D-(+)-mannose,which stimulated seedling growth.Overall,specific metabolites that favor the establishment of AM symbiosis were common in the roots,primarily during early colonization,whereas general metabolism was strongly altered when AM symbiosis was well-established.In conclusion,specialized metabolites function as signaling compounds to establish AM symbiosis.These compounds are no longer produced after the symbiosis between the roots
Li CuiJianguo WangZhaohui TangZheng ZhangSha YangFeng GuoXinguo LiJingjing MengJialei ZhangYakov KuzyakovShubo Wan
Potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for soil health:A review
Soil health is an important component of“One Health”.Soils provide habitat to diverse and abundant organisms.Understanding microbial diversity and functions is essential for building healthy soils towards sustainable agriculture.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)form potentially symbiotic associations with approximately 80%of land plant species that are well recognized for carbon flux and nutrient cycling.In addition to disentangling the signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms between the two partners,recent advances in hyphosphere research highlight some emerging roles of AMF and associated microbes in the delivery of soil functions.This paper reviews the contribution of AMF to soil health in agroecosystems,with a major focus on recent progress in the contribution of hyphosphere microbiome to nutrient cycling,carbon sequestration,and soil aggregation.The hyphosphere microbiome and fungal stimulants open avenues for developing new fertilizer formulas to promote AMF benefits.In practice,developing AMF-friendly management strategies will have long-term positive effects on sustainable agriculture aiming at simultaneously providing food security,increasing resource use efficiency,and maintaining environment integrity.
Junling ZHANGRuotong ZHAOXia LIJiangzhou ZHANG
【目的】探究丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)对实葶葱生长发育、生理活动以及化感作用的影响,为实葶葱驯化利用和AMF种质资源开发提供参考。【方法】采用盆栽试验,将分离自实葶葱栽培田土壤中的AMF(优势属为球囊霉属和无梗囊霉属)孢子接种于人工栽培的实葶葱根际(AM处理),以未接种AMF的实葶葱为对照(N-AM处理),测定实葶葱植株生长和生理特征的变化;取实葶葱地上部和地下部,分别制备0(对照),0.25,0.5和1 mg/mL的水浸提液,以叶用莴苣种子为受体材料,采用卷纸发芽法进行发芽试验,测定叶用莴苣幼苗生长指标,以衡量实葶葱化感作用的变化。【结果】接种AMF后实葶葱生长受到显著促进,植株表型得到调控。出苗后150 d,AM处理的株高、全株鲜质量、地上部鲜质量、地下部鲜质量、根长、根体积、须根数、侧根分支数分别为15.00 cm、0.87 g/株、0.46 g/株、0.42 g/株、21.17 cm、2.24 cm 3、8.83个/株、13.92个/株,较N-AM处理分别增加了36.74%,182.87%,251.42%,132.18%,23.83%,116.23%,14.23%,169.25%;菌根生长效应随实葶葱生长而增强,于出苗后120 d达到最高值1.33;AM处理实葶葱的全株、地上部和地下部干质量分别为127.60,90.20,37.40 mg/株,较N-AM处理分别显著增加了188.04%,290.48%和76.42%,根冠比则显著降低了54.84%。AM处理实葶葱叶片叶绿素a、鳞茎可溶性糖和EPY含量较N-AM处理分别显著提高了130.25%,58.33%和41.18%,叶片叶绿素b和可溶性糖含量比N-AM处理略降低但差异不显著。AM处理根系中独脚金内酯素含量在出苗后呈增高-降低-增高的变化趋势,于出苗后60 d达到最高值(2.86 ng/g),根系活力始终高于N-AM处理,盆栽实葶葱根系AMF侵染率最终为31.55%。当实葶葱地上部浸提液质量浓度为0.5 mg/mL、地下部浸提液质量浓度为0.25 mg/mL时,AM处理的综合化感效应指数分别比N-AM处理分别提高了112.12%和66.67%;当地上部浸提液质量浓度为0.25�
【目的】探究丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对元宝枫生长以及枯叶分解的影响,明确其与元宝枫生长状况间的关系。【方法】以元宝枫(Acer truncatum)幼苗为试验材料,采用盆栽试验,设置接种AM真菌(AMF)和不接菌(CK)2个处理,其中AMF处理灭菌基质中加入根内根孢囊霉(Rhizophagus intraradices,Ri),CK中加入灭菌Ri和菌剂过滤液,同时在2个处理供试的花盆中放置2个装有元宝枫枯叶的分解盒,待元宝枫幼苗生长180 d后,测定元宝枫幼苗生长指标、养分含量以及枯叶中的养分含量,计算元宝枫枯叶的分解量以及不同粒径剩余枯叶质量,并采用冗余分析研究元宝枫生长状况、养分含量与枯叶养分间的相关性。【结果】(1)与CK相比,AMF处理元宝枫的地上部、地下部鲜质量和干质量以及根全氮、全磷、全钾和叶全磷含量显著增加,但二者的株高、地径和叶全氮含量无显著差异,叶全钾含量显著降低。(2)与CK相比,AMF处理元宝枫枯叶总分解量显著增加,粒径>0.15 mm枯叶质量显著降低,粒径0.25μm~0.15 mm枯叶质量显著增加。(3)与CK相比,AMF处理促进了枯叶中多酚的释放,降低了枯叶全氮积累,但对枯叶单宁、纤维素、全磷、全钾和有机碳含量无显著影响。(4)相关性分析发现,枯叶全氮累积系数与叶全钾含量呈显著正相关,与元宝枫生物量以及根和叶养分含量呈负相关;而枯叶多酚累积系数的表现则与之相反。【结论】接种AM真菌促进了元宝枫枯叶的分解,影响了元宝枫枯叶中有效养分的含量,从而促进了元宝枫的生长发育。
【目的】阐明丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对元宝枫生长状况及根系形态特性的影响,探讨元宝枫根系形态与其生长发育的关系。【方法】在元宝枫幼苗生长基质中接种摩西斗管囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae)和根内根孢囊霉(Rhizophagus intraradices)2种AM真菌,以不接种AM真菌为对照,通过盆栽试验,培养90 d后,测定元宝枫的生长状况、根系活力及根系形态指标,利用单因素方差分析和多重比较方法,分析接菌与不接菌处理之间的差异,采用envfit()函数、冗余度分析和变差分解分析元宝枫生长状况与其他指标间的关系。【结果】①接种2种AM真菌后,元宝枫株高、地径、茎干质量和根系活力较对照显著提高,根冠比下降。根内根孢囊霉对元宝枫的促生作用比摩西斗管囊霉显著。②与对照相比,接种2种AM真菌后,元宝枫根表面积和根体积显著增大,粗根根长占总根长的比例增加,细根根长占总根长的比例显著降低。根内根孢囊霉对元宝枫根系形态的影响比摩西斗管囊霉显著。③元宝枫生长状况与其根系活力和根系形态密切相关。【结论】接种AM真菌有助于增强元宝枫的根系活力,改善其根系形态,促使其汲取更多养分,进而提高其生物量。
为揭示石漠化地区桑树对丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌介导土壤氮变化的适应性,选择AM真菌两种优势菌种摩西管柄囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae,Fm)和根内根孢囊霉(Rhizophagus intraradices,Ri)接种于桑树根系,分析接种和未接种处理下石漠化土壤剖面和桑树器官C、N含量变化及生态化学计量比和内稳性大小.结果显示:土壤总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)含量和C:N比值随剖面增加而降低,但相比CK,接种Fm和Ri使TOC含量和C:N比值显著提升了0.93%-5.00%(P<0.05)和1.81%-16.20%(P<0.05);对于土壤总氮(total nitrogen,TN)而言,其含量随土壤深度增加而增加,但相比CK,接种Fm和Ri使TN含量显著降低了1.49%-9.48%(P<0.05).桑树叶片C含量与C:N比值低于根和茎秆,N含量却高于根系和茎,接种AM真菌使叶片C含量和C:N比值显著增加1.30%-3.64%(P<0.05)和1.78%-14.51%(P<0.05).桑树不同器官不同元素及计量比的内稳性存在差异,未接种时桑树根系和茎N、C:N不具有内稳性,接种Fm使根系N内稳性增强(内稳性指数2.94),却使叶片C:N内稳性降低(内稳性指数2.32),接种Ri使桑茎N内稳性增强(内稳性指数1.69).综上所述,接种AM真菌调节不同剖面石漠化土壤C、N变化,其中TOC含量增加、TN含量降低,C:N变化符合“缓慢分解”假说;同时,AM真菌促进桑树根系吸收N并将其转运至地上叶片部位,但对根系、茎和叶片N、C:N内稳性的调节受菌种类型影响.(图3表1参39)


研究主题:丛枝菌根真菌 球囊霉素 土壤有机碳 土壤 丛枝菌根
研究主题:丛枝菌根真菌 间作 AMF 菌根 磷石膏
研究主题:丛枝菌根真菌 丛枝菌根 AM真菌 植物毒性 甜高粱
研究主题:丛枝菌根 ARBUSCULAR 菌根真菌 陆地植物 渗透调节物质
研究主题:磷石膏 ZEA 砷 小葱 菌根技术